Gender & Sexuality | MENA
Logics of Protection and the Discursive Construction of Refugee Fathers

Dr Lucy Hall
University of Amsterdam
Governance & Democracy | Europe
‘This country is OURS’: The exclusionary potential of collective psychological ownership

Tom Nijs
Utrecht University
Gender & Sexuality | Sub-Saharan Africa
Continuity and Change: Performing Gender in Rural Tanzania

Dr Lone Badstue
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
Governance & Democracy | Europe
Collective psychological ownership and reconciliation in territorial conflicts

Nora Storz
Utrecht University
Gender & Sexuality | MENA
Cultural Oppression Disguised as Religious Obligation: A Fatal Misrepresentation to the Advancement of Muslim Women’s Rights in the Context of the So-Called Honour Killings

Dr Fatemah AlBader
Kuwait University
Gender & Sexuality | North America
Sexuality as a Standard of Civilization: Historicizing (Homo)Colonial Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class

Dr Andrew Delatolla
University of Leeds
Health & Social Welfare | Oceania
Counting Ourselves: The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand

Dr Jaimie Veale
University of Waikato
Poverty Reduction | Europe
The Building Accounts of the Savoy Hospital, 1512-1520

Dr Charlotte Stanford
Brigham Young University
Gender & Sexuality | Asia
Silence and Silencing of Women: The Case of Trafficked Women

Dr Haezreena Abdul Hamid
University of Malaya
Conflict & Security | Asia
Pacific Men: how the feminist gap explains hostility

Professor Erik Melander
Uppsala University
Economic Development | Oceania
Looking Good and Being Good: Women Leaders in Australian Universities

Professor Tanya Fitzgerald
University of Western Australia
Gender & Sexuality | Asia
Sex Workers, Stigma and Self-Image: Evidence from Kolkata Brothels

Dr Sanchari Roy
King’s College London
Governance & Democracy | Europe
Who is entitled to feel in the age of populism? Women’s resistance to migrant detention in Britain

Ali Bilgic
Loughborough University
Health & Social Welfare | Europe
Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Lessons from Ireland